About Equal Mediation
Equal Mediation is run by Eileen Quinn.
A safe space to resolve conflict
I am a fully trained Family Mediator and pride myself on creating a confidential and professional environment where clients are given the opportunity to work towards mutual resolution. Agreements can be reached in a safe space, underpinned by organised ground rules that ensure mutual respect for all.
Extensive experience working with children and families
I have worked in various roles within the healthcare setting from Registered Nurse to Senior Midwife, Lead Health Visitor and senior level managerial roles across Nursing and Public Health disciplines. The core of my experience and specialist expertise is children and families. Many of my roles have been responsible for advocating equality to improve life chances for all children and families depending on their individual needs.
Support cases involving Court Proceedings as well as those that aren't
Not all families wish to get involved in the court process, and Family Mediation can help shift situations for families, from conflict to agreement. My substantial experience and insight in working with children and families, across vulnerable and combative situations, helps me facilitate resolutions whilst embedding the importance of communication and mutual respect. And in circumstances where Court proceedings are at play, I support you meeting the necessary requirements.
Proven track record of success
Many of the families I work with initially feel the level of conflict between them is insurmountable and they lack the belief they will find an amicable way forward. They are always relieved and pleasantly surprised when, with my help and facilitation, they reach a good outcome.
Fully trained and regulated
As a trained Family Mediator, I am regulated by the Family Mediation Council's code of conduct. I am also a member of the Family Mediator's Association.
Extensive professional background
My professional credentials include:
Family Mediator, MA Ed, BSc Hons, PD Dip Ed, Dip Professional Studies, (Reg HV/PHN), RM, RN. I also have full professional and public insurance.
My family background
Outside of my work, I am married with five grown up children. I have eight grandchildren...and counting! I am from a large, Irish family and moved from my birthplace in the Northwest of Ireland in my late teens to pursue a career in healthcare and children's welfare.
Ready and willing to help you
The blend of my personal and professional background make me well placed to help and support families. I am no stranger to challenging family dynamics and will strive to help you feel empowered and positive about yours.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about Equal Mediation.